I will make assignments based on the availability you enter into TeamPass

I will make assignments about 2 weeks before the games

You have 3 days to accept or decline games, before they will auto decline, Please do not let them auto decline.  Games are offered as a group, so you have to accept/decline them all, if you can only do part of the group of games, please email me so I can fix it.  If I give you a center ref position and you only want AR, please email me to fix it, instead of just declining the game.

Once the assignments are posted and accepted/declined there will usually be some open games, On the page when you log in click on view entire , you can look at what games need covered for the upcoming weekend, and if you can help out with any of those games please email me.  I will only take request for the week we are currently in, you will be able to see all the games for the rest of the season, but do not send request for games 2+ weeks away

When you send me an email, give me all the details; date, time, field name, age, and your first and last name.

The week before your game, on Monday check the league website to make sure what is on game officials matches what they have.  Do this again on Thursday or Friday.  If you notice a difference, please email me so I can check with the league to make sure what is correct.  Some leagues are better then others at letting me know of changes


Tim Snyder Assigning

Contact Us - Tim Snyder Assigning

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